Community Adult Learning Programs

All about CALP!

What is CALP?

CALP stands for “Community Adult Learning Program” and is primarily funded by the government of Alberta. Community Adult Learning Programs focus on a number of pillars: literacy, numeracy, English language skills, basic digital skills, and life skills.

Why is CALP Important?

Health and Safety

Being able to read, write, and do math enables people to make educated decisions and ensure they're doing things safely.

Family Life

The family is further connected together when everyone has knowledge of what's going on around them. It also enables independence.

Success at Work

Success may come when people feel empowered and confident in processing tasks around them. The ability to read, write, and do math provides this confidence in the workplace.

What Courses do we Offer?

If you are interested in a course, please call 403-223-1169 to register.

The Canadian English Language Proficiency Index  Program (CELPIP) is an English language proficiency test accepted by a number of governments, professional organizations, universities, colleges, and employers as proof of English language proficiency. This is also one of the first steps in obtaining citizenship. 

This class will help you sharpen your English skills, build vocabulary and work on improving your score in specific sections of the CELPIP test.

This class is offered in both the fall and spring in an in-person and online blended format. 

Looking to become a Canadian Citizen? This course teaches you about Canada’s history, heritage, culture, geography and government system. You will learn about your rights and responsibilities as a Canadian citizen while improving your English language skills. 

To take this class, you must be a permanent resident and you must have passed your CELPIP exam with a mark of 4 or higher in Listening and Speaking. This course is ran by a professional teacher for a period of 9 weeks.

Didn’t complete high school? Want to further your education in the future?

Last class will be offered November 14 – February 1st. New program will be announced when details become available.

Need to write your exam?  You have until March of 2024 to complete your exam before the program is discontinued.

The GED course provides the skills to challenge the GED Exam. This course will focus on math, social studies, science, language, reading, and writing. Students receive a High School Equivalency Diploma from Alberta Education upon passing the GED Exam. The GED is recognized by employers and can serve as a prerequisite to further training.

You must be 18 years of age, a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and out of school for at least one full year to register for this course. 

This course includes over 99 hours of instruction over 11 weeks, qualified, professional teachers, manuals, a calculator, and more!

Taber Adult Learning is a GED-designated writing center and upon completion of the class, students have the opportunity to write their exams in Taber.

This course is also offered in a blended format with both in-person and online instruction available.

Learn the role of the babysitter, child development, caring for children, positive behaviour management, home and outdoor safety and injury prevention, fire safety and first aid tips. Upon completion, a certificate will be issued. The Babysitting Course is one full day. Taber Adult Learning offers this course several times throughout the year.

You must be at least 11 years of age to take this course.